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2024 Report on the work of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress

2024 Report on the work of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress

  • Categories:Current Affairs
  • Author:marketing office
  • Origin:People's Daily Online (PRC newspaper)
  • Time of issue:2024-04-15
  • Views:0

(Summary description)

2024 Report on the work of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress

(Summary description)

  • Categories:Current Affairs
  • Author:marketing office
  • Origin:People's Daily Online (PRC newspaper)
  • Time of issue:2024-04-15
  • Views:0

Government Work Report

——At the second session of the 14th National People's Congress on March 5, 2024

Premier Li Qiang


Dear Representatives:

Now, on behalf of the State Council, I would like to report to the General Assembly on the work of the government, ask for deliberation, and invite members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) to give their opinions.

1. Review of work in 2023

The past year has been the first year for the full implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the first year for the current government to perform its duties in accordance with the law. In the face of the extremely complex international environment and the arduous and arduous tasks of reform, development and stability, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has united and led the people of all ethnic groups across the country to withstand external pressure, overcome internal difficulties, and make arduous efforts to achieve a smooth transition in the prevention and control of the new crown epidemic, achieve a major and decisive victory, successfully complete the main goals and tasks of economic and social development throughout the year, make solid progress in high-quality development, maintain stability in the overall social situation, and take solid steps to build a modern socialist country in an all-round way.

-- The overall economic rebound is improving. The GDP exceeded 126 trillion yuan, an increase of 5.2%, ranking among the top of the world's major economies. 12.44 million new jobs were created in urban areas, and the surveyed urban unemployment rate averaged 5.2 percent. Consumer prices rose by 0.2 percent. The balance of payments is basically balanced.

-- Important progress has been made in the construction of a modern industrial system. The transformation and upgrading of traditional industries has been accelerated, strategic emerging industries have flourished, the future industries have been laid out in an orderly manner, advanced manufacturing and modern service industries have been deeply integrated, and a number of major industrial innovation achievements have reached the international advanced level. The domestic large aircraft C919 has been put into commercial operation, the domestic large cruise ship has been successfully built, and the production and sales of new energy vehicles account for more than 60% of the world's total.

-- New breakthroughs have been made in scientific and technological innovation. The construction of the national laboratory system has been vigorously promoted. Fruitful achievements have been made in tackling key core technologies, making great progress in the development of high-end equipment such as aero engines, gas turbines, and fourth-generation nuclear power units, and innovative achievements in cutting-edge fields such as artificial intelligence and quantum technology are emerging. The turnover of technology contracts increased by 28.6%. The ability of innovation-driven development continues to improve.

-- Reform and opening up are advancing in depth. A new round of institutional reform has been basically completed at the central level, and has been carried out in an orderly manner at the local level. Strengthen the construction of a unified national market. Implement the deepening and upgrading of the reform of state-owned enterprises, and introduce policies to promote the development and growth of the private economy. The construction layout of the pilot free trade zone has been further improved. The international market share of exports remained stable, the structure of actual use of foreign capital was optimized, and the international influence and appeal of the Belt and Road Initiative were more prominent.

-- Consolidating the foundation for safe development. The grain output was 1.39 trillion catties, a record high. The supply of energy resources is stable. The independent and controllable ability of important industrial and supply chains has been improved. Risks in key areas of the economy and finance have been steadily resolved. The construction of modern infrastructure has been continuously strengthened.

-- The quality of the ecological environment has been steadily improved. The battle against pollution has been carried out in depth, the discharge of major pollutants has continued to decline, and the water quality of surface water and coastal waters has continued to improve. The "Three Norths" project has been launched in an all-round way. The installed capacity of renewable energy has historically surpassed that of thermal power, and more than half of the world's new installed capacity has been added throughout the year.

-- Strong and effective protection for people's livelihood. The per capita disposable income of residents increased by 6.1 percent, and the income gap between urban and rural residents continued to narrow. The achievements of poverty alleviation have been consolidated and expanded, and the income of rural residents in poverty alleviation areas has increased by 8.4 percent. Increase the extent of financial subsidies for compulsory education, basic pensions, basic medical care, etc., and expand the scope of assistance and guarantees. The special additional deduction standard for individual income tax for "one old and one young" has been raised, benefiting more than 66 million taxpayers. Strengthen the renovation of old urban communities and the supply of affordable housing, benefiting tens of millions of families.

Looking back on the past year, multiple difficulties and challenges have been intertwined and superimposed, and China's economy has developed in waves and zigzags, and the achievements have been hard-won. From an international point of view, the world economic recovery is sluggish, geopolitical conflicts are intensifying, protectionism and unilateralism are on the rise, and the adverse impact of the external environment on China's development continues to increase. From a domestic point of view, after three years of the impact of the new crown epidemic, there are many problems in the recovery and development of the economy itself, and the deep-seated contradictions accumulated for a long time have accelerated, and many new situations and new problems have followed. The decline in external demand and the lack of domestic demand have collided, cyclical and structural problems coexist, and the risks and hidden dangers of real estate, local debt, and small and medium-sized financial institutions in some places have become prominent, and some areas have suffered from serious natural disasters such as floods, typhoons, and earthquakes. Under such circumstances, the dilemmas faced by policy choices and work progress have increased significantly. Through the joint efforts of the whole country, not only the expected development goals for the whole year have been achieved, but also positive changes have occurred in many aspects. In particular, we have deepened our understanding of the laws governing economic work in the new era and accumulated valuable experience in overcoming major difficulties. Practice has fully shown that under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, the Chinese people have the courage, wisdom and ability to overcome any difficulties and obstacles, and China's development will surely break through the waves and the future can be expected!

Over the past year, we have thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and have done the following work in accordance with the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee.

First, it is necessary to intensify macroeconomic regulation and control to promote the sustained improvement of economic operation. In view of the severe challenges and the characteristics of the post-epidemic economic recovery, we have coordinated to stabilize growth and increase stamina, highlighted the consolidation of the foundation and the cultivation of the yuan, paid attention to precise policies, grasped the timing, degree and effectiveness of macroeconomic regulation and control, strengthened counter-cyclical adjustment, refrained from "flood irrigation" and short-term strong stimulus, and made more efforts to promote high-quality development. Focusing on expanding domestic demand, optimizing the structure, boosting confidence, and preventing and defusing risks, we will continue to optimize a number of phased policies, launch a number of new policies in a timely manner, and play a strong and effective policy combination. Fiscal policies have been strengthened to improve efficiency, strengthen expenditure guarantees in key areas, add more than 2.2 trillion yuan in tax incentives throughout the year, and issue an additional 1 trillion yuan of treasury bonds to support post-disaster recovery and reconstruction, and enhance disaster prevention, mitigation and relief capabilities. The monetary policy was precise and powerful, with two cuts in the reserve requirement ratio and two cuts in the policy interest rate, and significant growth in loans for scientific and technological innovation, advanced manufacturing, inclusive small and micro enterprises, and green development. Policies to support consumption of automobiles, home furnishings, electronic products, and tourism have been introduced, bulk consumption has rebounded steadily, and consumption of living services has accelerated its recovery. We have given full play to the role of government investment in leveraging, formulated policies to promote private investment, and increased investment in energy, water conservancy and other infrastructure and manufacturing industries. According to the city's policies, we will optimize the regulation and control of real estate, promote the reduction of housing loan costs, and actively promote the work of ensuring the delivery of buildings. We have formulated and implemented a package plan for resolving local debts, and handled financial risks in a classified manner, so as to maintain the bottom line of preventing systemic risks.

The second is to rely on innovation to lead industrial upgrading and enhance the new momentum of urban and rural regional development. Strengthen the national strategic scientific and technological forces, and speed up the implementation of major scientific and technological projects. Comprehensively deploy and promote new industrialization. Measures to stabilize the operation of the industrial economy and support the advanced manufacturing industry have been introduced, the proportion of R&D expenses deducted by enterprises in key industries has been increased, and the high-quality development of key industrial chains has been promoted, and the profits of industrial enterprises have turned from falling to rising. The development of the digital economy has accelerated, and the penetration rate of 5G users has exceeded 50%. We will further implement the new urbanization strategy, further relax the conditions for urban settlement, enhance the comprehensive carrying capacity of county seats, and increase the urbanization rate of permanent residents to 66.2%. Strengthen agricultural development support policies, vigorously carry out disaster resistance and harvest harvest, implement a new round of 100 billion catties of grain production capacity improvement actions, and make solid progress in rural revitalization. We have improved the system and mechanism for coordinated regional development, launched a number of new measures and implemented a number of major projects in the implementation of major regional strategies, and continuously enhanced the coordination and balance of regional development.

The third is to deepen reform and expand opening up, and continue to improve the business environment. We have issued an overall work plan for building a unified national market and cleaned up a number of policies and regulations that hinder fair competition. Policies to support the development of state-owned enterprises, private enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises have been introduced, a normalized communication and exchange mechanism between government and enterprises has been established, a special action has been carried out to clean up the accounts of enterprises in arrears, and the rectification of illegal fees has been strengthened. Deepen reforms in the fields of finance, taxation and finance, agriculture and rural areas, and ecological and environmental protection. Promote the stable scale and optimal structure of foreign trade, and the export of electric vehicles, lithium batteries, and photovoltaic products increased by nearly 30%. Improve policies to attract foreign investment and expand institutional opening-up. Solid progress has been made in the high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative, and trade and investment with the countries have grown rapidly.

Fourth, strengthen the governance of ecological and environmental protection and accelerate the green transformation of development mode. We will further promote the construction of a beautiful China. Continue to fight the battle of blue sky, clear water and pure land. Accelerate the implementation of major projects for the protection and restoration of important ecosystems. Do a good job in the comprehensive prevention and control of soil erosion and desertification. Strengthen ecological and environmental protection inspections. Formulate policies to support the development of green and low-carbon industries. Promote the transformation of ultra-low emissions in key industries. The construction of the first batch of pilot cities and parks for carbon peaking will be launched. Actively participate in and promote global climate governance.

Fifth, we should strive to ensure people's livelihood and promote the development of social undertakings. Focus on the concerns of the masses and do a good job in people's livelihood. Attaching great importance to stabilizing employment, we have introduced policies to support enterprises to stabilize and expand their jobs, strengthened employment promotion services for key groups such as college graduates, and lifted more than 33 million people out of poverty. We have strengthened the construction of weak links in compulsory education, done a good job in the "double reduction" work, and the national student loan has been raised and the interest rate has been lowered to benefit more than 11 million students. Implement the measures of "Category B and B Management" for new coronavirus infection, and do a solid job in the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases such as influenza and mycoplasma pneumonia. Implement the overall planning of general outpatient clinics of employee medical insurance. Strengthen the construction of comprehensive community service facilities, and vigorously develop meal assistance services for the elderly. Raise the standard of preferential care. Strengthen the protection of people in need. Effectively respond to the catastrophic flood disasters in the Haihe River and other river basins, do a good job in rescue and rescue such as the Jishishan earthquake in Gansu, and strengthen post-disaster recovery and reconstruction. Promote the development of cultural inheritance and fully recover the tourism market. Mass sports have been vigorously carried out, and the Chengdu Universiade, Hangzhou Asian Games and Asian Para Games have been successfully held, and China's athletes have made great achievements.

Sixth, comprehensively strengthen government construction and vigorously improve governance efficiency. Firmly uphold the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, and be an executor, actioner, and doer who implements the decisions and deployments of the CPC Central Committee. Carry out in-depth education on the theme of studying and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Persist in putting political construction in the first place, and comprehensively improve the government's ability to perform its duties. Deeply advance the establishment of a rule of law government. The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress was submitted to deliberate 10 legal bills, formulated and revised 25 administrative regulations, and implemented a three-year action to improve the quality of administrative law enforcement. Conscientiously accept supervision in accordance with the law. Conscientiously handle the proposals of the NPC deputies and the proposals of the CPPCC members. We should pay attention to investigation and study, and strive to make our policies and work conform to reality and be close to the masses. Optimize the supervision work mechanism. Strengthen the building of a clean and honest government and the struggle against corruption. Strictly implement the spirit of the eight provisions of the central government, continue to rectify the "four winds", and vigorously promote the inspection and rectification of financial units and state-owned enterprises. Innovate and improve urban and rural grassroots governance. Do a solid job in the work of letters and visits. Pay close attention to production safety and emergency management, and carry out special investigation and rectification of major accidents and hidden dangers. Promote the improvement of the national security system. We have strengthened the comprehensive management of social security, effectively cracked down on illegal and criminal activities such as telecommunications and network fraud, and made new progress in building a safe China.

Over the past year, major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics has been advancing in an all-round way. President Xi Jinping and other party and state leaders have visited many countries and attended major multilateral and bilateral activities such as the BRICS Summit, the APEC Economic Leaders' Informal Meeting, and the East Asia Cooperation Leaders' Meeting. It has successfully held major diplomatic activities such as the China-Central Asia Summit and the 3rd Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation. We will promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, implement the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative, deepen and expand global partnerships, and play a positive and constructive role in resolving international and regional hotspot issues. China has made important contributions to promoting world peace and development.

Dear Representatives!

The achievements made in the past year are fundamentally due to the leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping, the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, and the unity and struggle of the whole party, the whole army and the people of all ethnic groups in the country. On behalf of the State Council, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the people of all nationalities throughout the country, to the democratic parties, to the people's organizations, and to people from all walks of life! to the compatriots in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Macao Special Administrative Region, Taiwan, and overseas Chinese! and to the governments, international organizations, and friends of all countries who care about and support China's modernization.

While affirming the achievements, we are also soberly aware of the difficulties and challenges we are facing. The momentum of world economic growth is insufficient, regional hotspot issues are frequent, and the complexity, severity and uncertainty of the external environment are rising. The foundation for China's sustained economic recovery is not solid, the effective demand is insufficient, some industries have overcapacity, social expectations are weak, there are still many risks and hidden dangers, there are blockages in the domestic cycle, and there are interferences in the international cycle. Some small and medium-sized enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households have difficulties in operation. The pressure on total employment and structural contradictions coexist, and there are still many shortcomings in public services. In some localities, the financial resources at the grassroots level are rather tight. The ability to innovate in science and technology is not strong. There are still many hard bones to gnaw on in the reform of key areas. There is a long way to go in the protection of the ecological environment. The weak link of safety production cannot be ignored. There are deficiencies in government work, formalism and bureaucracy are still quite prominent, and some reform and development measures are not in place. Some cadres lack the spirit of taking responsibility and doing practical work, passively avoid responsibility, and make superficial statements. Corruption is still a problem in some areas. We must face up to the problems and challenges, do our best to do a good job, and never let down the expectations and trust of the people!

2. Overall requirements and policy orientations for economic and social development in 2024

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and a crucial year for achieving the goals and tasks of the 14th Five-Year Plan. To do a good job in government work, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee, and adhere to the general tone of the work of seeking progress while maintaining stability in accordance with the deployment of the Central Economic Work Conference. Fully implement the new development concept, accelerate the construction of a new development pattern, focus on promoting high-quality development, comprehensively deepen reform and opening up, promote high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance, increase macroeconomic regulation and control, coordinate the expansion of domestic demand and deepen supply-side structural reform, coordinate the comprehensive revitalization of new urbanization and rural areas, coordinate high-quality development and high-level security, and effectively enhance economic vitality, prevent and resolve risks, We will improve social expectations, consolidate and strengthen the positive trend of economic recovery, continue to promote the effective improvement of the quality and reasonable growth of the economy, improve people's livelihood and well-being, maintain social stability, and comprehensively promote the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization.

Comprehensive analysis and judgment show that the environment facing China's development this year is still the coexistence of strategic opportunities and risks and challenges, and the favorable conditions are stronger than the unfavorable factors. China has significant institutional advantages, the demand advantage of the super-large-scale market, the supply advantage of a complete industrial system, the talent advantage of a large number of high-quality workers, the ability of scientific and technological innovation is continuously improving, the growth of new industries, new models and new kinetic energy is accelerating, the endogenous driving force of development is accumulating, and the basic trend of economic recovery and long-term improvement has not changed and will not change, and confidence and confidence must be enhanced. At the same time, we must adhere to the bottom-line thinking and be fully prepared to deal with various risks and challenges. As long as we implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee, firmly seize the favorable opportunity, make good use of the favorable conditions, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all aspects of entrepreneurship, we will certainly be able to overcome difficulties and challenges, and promote sustained economic improvement and steady and far-reaching development.

The main expected targets for this year's development are: GDP growth of about 5 percent; more than 12 million new jobs in urban areas, and a surveyed urban unemployment rate of about 5.5 percent; consumer price growth of about 3 percent; simultaneous growth of residents' income and economic growth; maintaining a basic balance in the balance of payments; grain output of more than 1.3 trillion catties; energy consumption per unit of GDP reduced by about 2.5 percent; and the quality of the ecological environment continued to improve.

The above-mentioned expected goals are put forward, taking into account the domestic and international situation and various factors, and taking into account the needs and possibilities. The expected target for economic growth is about 5%, which takes into account the needs of promoting employment and income, preventing and resolving risks, and is in line with the "14th Five-Year Plan" and the goal of basically realizing modernization, and also considers the potential and supporting conditions for economic growth, reflecting the requirements of being proactive and promising. Achieving this year's expected goals will not be easy, and it will require policy focus, redoubled efforts, and concerted efforts from all sides.

We must persist in seeking progress while maintaining stability, promoting stability through progress, and establishing first and then breaking down. Stability is the overall situation and foundation, and all regions and departments should come up with more policies that are conducive to stabilizing expectations, growth, and employment, prudently introduce contractionary and repressive measures, and clean up and abolish policies and regulations that are contrary to high-quality development. Progress is the direction and driving force, should be established to take the initiative to stand up, should be broken on the basis of the resolute break, especially in the way of change, adjust the structure, improve quality, increase efficiency in the positive and enterprising. We will strengthen counter-cyclical and cross-cyclical macroeconomic adjustments, continue to implement a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy, and strengthen the innovation and coordination of policy tools.

The proactive fiscal policy should be moderately strengthened to improve quality and efficiency. Comprehensively consider development needs and fiscal sustainability, make good use of fiscal policy space, and optimize the mix of policy tools. The deficit rate is planned to be arranged at 3 percent, and the deficit scale is 4.06 trillion yuan, an increase of 180 billion yuan over the budget at the beginning of last year. It is expected that fiscal revenue will continue to resume growth this year, and with the transfer of funds, the scale of general public budget expenditure will be 28.5 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.1 trillion yuan over the previous year. It is planned to arrange 3.9 trillion yuan of local government special bonds, an increase of 100 billion yuan over the previous year. In order to systematically solve the problem of funding for the construction of some major projects in the process of building a strong country and national rejuvenation, it is planned to issue ultra-long-term special treasury bonds for several consecutive years starting this year, which will be specially used for the implementation of major national strategies and security capacity building in key areas, and 1 trillion yuan will be issued this year. At present, it is necessary to increase financial input in many aspects, vigorously optimize the expenditure structure, strengthen the major national strategic tasks and basic financial guarantees for people's livelihood, and strictly control general expenditures. The central government should increase the intensity of balanced transfer payments to local governments and appropriately tilt towards difficult areas, and the provincial government should promote the sinking of financial resources and strengthen the bottom line of the "three guarantees" at the grassroots level. Implement structural tax and fee reduction policies, and focus on supporting scientific and technological innovation and the development of manufacturing industry. We should strictly enforce financial and economic discipline, strengthen financial and accounting supervision, strictly prohibit face-saving projects and image projects, and resolutely stop extravagance and waste. Governments at all levels must get used to living a tight life, really make careful calculations, and earnestly use their financial funds to the best of their ability and achieve real results.

A prudent monetary policy should be flexible, moderate, precise and effective. Liquidity should be kept reasonably abundant, and the scale of social financing and money supply should be commensurate with the expected targets of economic growth and price levels. Strengthen the dual adjustment of aggregate volume and structure, revitalize stocks, improve efficiency, and increase support for major strategies, key areas and weak links. Promote the steady and moderate decline of comprehensive social financing costs. Smooth the monetary policy transmission mechanism to avoid the idling of capital precipitation. Enhance the intrinsic stability of the capital market. Maintain the basic stability of the RMB exchange rate at a reasonable and balanced level. Vigorously develop science and technology finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance, and digital finance. Optimize supporting measures such as financing credit enhancement, risk sharing, and information sharing, to better meet the financing needs of small, medium and micro enterprises.

Enhance the consistency of macroeconomic policy orientation. Focusing on the overall development situation, strengthen the coordination and cooperation of fiscal, monetary, employment, industrial, regional, science and technology, environmental protection and other policies, incorporate non-economic policies into the consistency assessment of macro policy orientation, strengthen policy coordination, and ensure that efforts are made in the same direction and form a joint force. All regions and departments should carefully listen to and absorb the opinions of all parties in formulating policies, and enterprise-related policies should focus on communicating with the market and responding to the concerns of enterprises. The implementation of policies should strengthen coordination and linkage, amplify the combination effect, and prevent one from neglecting the other and hindering each other. The research reserve policy should be more forward-looking, enrich the toolbox, and leave redundancy to ensure that it can be rolled out in a timely manner and effectively when needed. Strengthen the tracking and evaluation of policy implementation, take the satisfaction of enterprises and the masses as an important yardstick, and make timely adjustments and improvements. Accurately do a good job in policy publicity and interpretation, and create a stable, transparent and predictable policy environment.

To accomplish this year's development goals and tasks, we must thoroughly implement Xi Jinping's economic thought and focus on promoting high-quality development. Strengthen the concept of systems, grasp and handle major relationships, and plan and promote all work in depth as a whole. Adhere to quality first, efficiency first, continue to consolidate the foundation, enhance the effectiveness of macroeconomic regulation and control, pay attention to the expectations of enterprises and the masses to find the focus of work, policy force, and strive to achieve the annual growth target. Adhere to high-quality development and high-level safety and benign interaction, and on the premise of sticking to the bottom line of safety, think more for development and help enterprises. Persist in ensuring and improving people's livelihood in the process of development, pay attention to the problem of making up for the shortcomings of people's livelihood with a development mindset, and cultivate new economic growth points while solving the people's urgency, hardship and hope. Fundamentally speaking, promoting high-quality development depends on reform. We need to deepen reform and opening up with greater determination and intensity, promote a better combination of an effective market and a promising government, continue to stimulate and enhance social vitality, and promote high-quality development to achieve new and greater results.

3. Government tasks in 2024

The CPC Central Committee has made comprehensive arrangements for this year's work, and we must thoroughly implement them, firmly grasp the main contradictions, strive to break through bottlenecks and constraints, and do a solid job in all aspects of work.

(1) Vigorously promote the construction of a modern industrial system and accelerate the development of new quality productive forces. Give full play to the leading role of innovation, promote industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation, accelerate new industrialization, improve total factor productivity, constantly shape new momentum and new advantages for development, and promote social productivity to achieve a new leap.

Promote the optimization and upgrading of industrial and supply chains. Keep the industrial economy running smoothly. Implement high-quality development actions for key industrial chains in the manufacturing industry, focus on making up for shortcomings, lengthening long boards, and forging new boards, so as to enhance the resilience and competitiveness of the industrial chain and supply chain. Implement the technological transformation and upgrading project of the manufacturing industry, cultivate and expand advanced manufacturing clusters, create a national new industrialization demonstration zone, and promote the high-end, intelligent and green transformation of traditional industries. Speed up the development of modern producer services. Promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. Carry forward the spirit of craftsmen. Strengthen standard guidance and quality support, and create more "Made in China" brands with international influence.

Actively cultivate emerging industries and future industries. Implement industrial innovation projects, improve industrial ecology, expand application scenarios, and promote the development of integrated clusters of strategic emerging industries. Consolidate and expand the leading advantages of intelligent networked new energy vehicles and other industries, accelerate the development of cutting-edge emerging hydrogen energy, new materials, innovative drugs and other industries, and actively build new growth engines such as biomanufacturing, commercial aerospace, and low-altitude economy. Formulate future industrial development plans, open up new tracks such as quantum technology and life sciences, and create a number of future industry pilot areas. Encourage the development of venture capital and equity investment, and optimize the function of industrial investment funds. Strengthen the overall layout and investment guidance of key industries to prevent overcapacity and low-level redundant construction.

We will further promote the innovation and development of the digital economy. Formulate policies to support the high-quality development of the digital economy, actively promote digital industrialization and industrial digitization, and promote the deep integration of digital technology and the real economy. Deepen the R&D and application of big data and artificial intelligence, carry out the "artificial intelligence +" action, and build a digital industrial cluster with international competitiveness. Implement the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry, accelerate the large-scale application of the industrial Internet, promote the digitalization of the service industry, and build smart cities and digital villages. Carry out in-depth special actions for the digital empowerment of small and medium-sized enterprises. Support platform enterprises to play a role in promoting innovation, increasing employment, and international competition. Complete basic data systems, and vigorously promote the development, openness, circulation, and use of data. Moderately advance the construction of digital infrastructure, accelerate the formation of a national integrated computing system, and cultivate the computing industry ecology. We need to use extensive and profound digital transformation to empower economic development, enrich people's lives, and modernize social governance.

(2) Thoroughly implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, and strengthen the basic support for high-quality development. Adhere to the integrated promotion of the construction of a strong country in education, science and technology, and talents, and the integrated deployment and implementation of the innovation chain, industrial chain, capital chain, and talent chain, deepen the comprehensive reform of education, science and technology, and talents, so as to provide a strong impetus for modernization.

Strengthen the construction of a high-quality education system. Fully implement the party's education policy, and adhere to high-quality development as the lifeline of all levels and types of education. Formulate and implement the outline of the plan for building a strong country in education. Implement the fundamental task of establishing morality and cultivating people, and promote the integration of ideological and political education in primary and secondary schools. We will carry out actions to expand the quality and quality of basic education, accelerate the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education and the integration of urban and rural areas, improve the conditions for running boarding schools in rural areas, continue to deepen the "double reduction", promote the inclusive development of preschool education, and strengthen the construction of ordinary high schools at the county level. Reduce the non-teaching burden of primary and secondary school teachers. We should do a good job in special education and continuing education, guide and standardize the development of private education, and vigorously improve the quality of vocational education. We will carry out pilot projects for comprehensive reform of higher education, optimize the distribution of disciplines, specialties and resource structure, accelerate the construction of world-class universities and advantageous disciplines with Chinese characteristics, build strong application-oriented undergraduate universities, and enhance the school-running strength of colleges and universities in the central and western regions. Strengthen mental health education for students. Vigorously develop digital education. Carry forward the spirit of educators and build a team of high-quality professional teachers. We must give priority to the development of education, accelerate the modernization of education, lay a solid foundation for people's happiness, and lay a solid foundation for the country's prosperity and strength.

Accelerate the promotion of high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance. Give full play to the advantages of the new national system and comprehensively enhance the ability of independent innovation. Strengthen the layout of the basic research system, provide long-term and stable support for a number of innovation bases, advantageous teams and key directions, and enhance the original innovation capabilities. Aiming at the major national strategic needs and industrial development needs, we will deploy and implement a number of major scientific and technological projects. Integrate national strategic scientific and technological forces and social innovation resources, promote collaborative research on key core technologies, and strengthen research on disruptive technologies and cutting-edge technologies. Improve the operation and management mechanism of national laboratories, and give full play to the leading role of international and regional science and technology innovation centers. Accelerate the systematic layout of major scientific and technological infrastructure, and promote the construction of common technology platforms and pilot test verification platforms. Strengthen the main position of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation, encourage enterprises to increase investment in innovation, deepen the combination of production, education, research and application, and support powerful enterprises to take the lead in major research tasks. Strengthen the R&D and application of livelihood technologies such as health, elderly care, and disability assistance. Accelerate the formation of a basic system to support comprehensive innovation, deepen the reform of the system of science and technology evaluation, science and technology awards, scientific research projects and fund management, and improve the mechanism of "unveiling the leader". Strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights, and formulate policies and measures to promote the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements. Widely disseminate science. Cultivate a culture of innovation, promote the spirit of scientists, and cultivate a fine style of study. Expand international scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation, and create an open innovation ecosystem with global competitiveness.

All-round training and good use of talents. Implement a more active, open and effective talent policy. Promote the construction of high-level talent highlands and platforms for attracting and agglomerating talents, and promote the rational distribution and coordinated development of talent regions. Accelerate the construction of national strategic talent forces, strive to cultivate more first-class scientific and technological leaders and innovation teams, improve the discovery and training mechanism of top-notch innovative talents, build a training platform for basic research talents, build a team of outstanding engineers and high-skilled talents, and increase support for young scientific and technological talents. Actively promote the international exchange of talents. Accelerate the establishment of a talent evaluation system oriented by innovation value, ability, and contribution, and optimize the work and life security and commendation and reward system. We must continue to work hard to improve the environment for talent development, and form a good situation in which people can make the best use of their talents and display their abilities.

(3) Strive to expand domestic demand and promote a virtuous cycle of the economy. It is necessary to organically combine the implementation of the strategy of expanding domestic demand with the deepening of supply-side structural reforms, better coordinate consumption and investment, and enhance the stimulating role of economic growth.

Promote the steady growth of consumption. We will take comprehensive measures to increase income, optimize supply, and reduce restrictive measures to stimulate consumption potential. Cultivate and expand new consumption, implement policies to promote digital consumption, green consumption, and healthy consumption, and actively cultivate new consumption growth points such as smart homes, cultural and entertainment tourism, sports events, and domestic "trendy products". Stabilize and expand traditional consumption, encourage and promote the trade-in of consumer goods, and boost bulk consumption such as intelligent networked new energy vehicles and electronic products. Promote the expansion and quality of services such as elderly care, childcare, and housekeeping, and support social forces in providing community services. Optimize the consumption environment, carry out the "Consumption Promotion Year" activities, implement the "Assured Consumption Action", strengthen the protection of consumer rights and interests, and implement the paid leave system. Implement actions to improve standards, accelerate the construction of a standard system that meets the requirements of high-quality development, promote the continuous improvement of the quality of goods and services, and better meet the needs of the people to improve their lives.

Actively expand effective investment. Give full play to the amplification effect of government investment, focus on supporting scientific and technological innovation, new infrastructure, energy conservation, emission reduction and carbon reduction, strengthen people's livelihood and other economic and social weak areas to make up for shortcomings, promote the construction of flood control, drainage and disaster relief infrastructure, promote the renewal and technological transformation of various production equipment and service equipment, and accelerate the implementation of major projects in the "14th Five-Year Plan". This year, the central budget plans to allocate 700 billion yuan of investment. Reasonably expand the scope of investment and capital of local government special bonds, and tilt the allocation of quotas to areas with sufficient project preparation and high investment efficiency. Coordinate and make good use of all kinds of funds to prevent inefficient and ineffective investment. Deepen the reform of the investment approval system. Efforts should be made to stabilize and expand private investment, implement and improve support policies, implement new mechanisms for public-private partnerships, and encourage private capital to participate in the construction of major projects. We will further dismantle all kinds of barriers and allow private investment to enter, develop, and make achievements in more fields.

(4) Unswervingly deepen reform and enhance the endogenous driving force for development. Promote the reform of key areas and key links, give full play to the decisive role of the market in the allocation of resources, give better play to the role of the government, create a market-oriented, law-based, and international first-class business environment, and promote the construction of a high-level socialist market economic system.

Stimulate the vitality of various business entities. State-owned enterprises, private enterprises, and foreign-funded enterprises are all important forces in modernization. It is necessary to continuously improve and implement the "two unswerving" systems and mechanisms, and create a good environment for fair competition and competitive development for enterprises of all types of ownership. Improve the modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics and build more world-class enterprises. We will further implement the deepening and upgrading of the reform of state-owned enterprises, strengthen and optimize the main business, enhance core functions and improve core competitiveness. Establish a system of guidelines for optimizing the layout and structural adjustment of the state-owned economy. Comprehensively implement the opinions and supporting measures to promote the development and growth of the private economy, and further solve outstanding problems in market access, access to factors, fair law enforcement, and protection of rights and interests. Increase the proportion of loans to private enterprises, expand the scale of bond financing, and strengthen support for individual industrial and commercial households. Implement actions to reduce logistics costs, improve the long-term mechanism for preventing and resolving arrears of enterprises, and resolutely investigate and deal with arbitrary charges, fines, and apportionments. Carry forward the spirit of excellent entrepreneurship, and actively support entrepreneurs to focus on innovation and development, dare to dare to invest, and run enterprises in a down-to-earth manner.

Speed up the construction of a unified national market. Formulate national unified market construction standards and guidelines. Efforts should be made to promote the unification of systems and rules in areas such as property rights protection, market access, fair competition, and social credit. Deepen the pilot of comprehensive reform of market-oriented allocation of factors. Introduce administrative regulations on fair competition review, and improve regulatory rules for key areas, emerging fields, and foreign-related fields. Special measures will be made to address outstanding problems such as local protection, market segmentation, and unfair competition in attracting investment, and strengthen the regulation and management of the bidding market. Adhere to supervision in accordance with the law, strictly implement regulatory responsibilities, improve the accuracy and effectiveness of supervision, and resolutely maintain the market order of fair competition.

Promote reforms in the fields of finance, taxation and finance. Build a high-level socialist market economy system reform pilot zone. Plan for a new round of fiscal and taxation system reform, implement the reform and deployment of the financial system, and increase fiscal, tax and financial support for high-quality development. Deepen the reform of electric power, oil and gas, railways and comprehensive transportation systems, and improve the regulatory system and mechanism of natural monopolies. Deepen reforms in areas of social and people's livelihood, such as income distribution, social security, medicine and health, and pension services.

(5) Expand high-level opening-up and promote mutual benefit and win-win results. We will take the initiative to align with high-standard international economic and trade rules, steadily expand institutional opening-up, enhance the linkage effect of domestic and international markets and resources, consolidate the fundamentals of foreign trade and foreign investment, and cultivate new advantages in international economic cooperation and competition.

Promote the quality and quantity of foreign trade to be stable. Strengthen support for import and export credit and export credit insurance, optimize cross-border settlement, exchange rate risk management and other services, and support enterprises to explore diversified markets. Promote the healthy development of new business formats such as cross-border e-commerce, optimize the layout of overseas warehouses, support the upgrading of processing trade, and expand new growth points such as intermediate goods trade and green trade. Actively expand the import of high-quality products. Improve border trade support policies. Fully implement the negative list for cross-border trade in services. Policies for the innovative development of trade in services and digital trade have been introduced. Accelerate the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade. We will do a good job in organizing major exhibitions such as the China International Import Expo, the Canton Fair, the Trade in Services Fair, the Digital Trade Fair, and the Consumer Expo. Accelerate the construction of the international logistics system, build smart customs, and help foreign trade enterprises reduce costs and improve efficiency.

Intensify efforts to attract foreign investment. We will continue to reduce the negative list for foreign investment access, fully remove the restrictions on foreign investment access in the manufacturing sector, and relax market access for service industries such as telecommunications and medical care. Expand the catalogue of industries that encourage foreign investment, and encourage foreign-funded enterprises to reinvest in China. Implement the national treatment of foreign-funded enterprises, ensure equal participation in government procurement, bidding and bidding, and the formulation of standards in accordance with the law, and promote the resolution of issues such as cross-border data flows. Strengthen the service guarantee for foreign investment and build the brand of "Invest in China". Improve the convenience of foreigners to work, study and travel in China, and optimize payment services. We will further implement the strategy of upgrading the pilot free trade zone, give more autonomy to the pilot free trade zone and the Hainan Free Trade Port, promote the reform and innovation of the development zone, and create a new highland for opening up.

  Promoting high-quality joint construction of the “Belt and Road” in a deep and practical manner. We will grasp the implementation of the eight actions to support the high-quality joint construction of the Belt and Road. Steadily push forward cooperation on major projects, implement a number of “small but beautiful” livelihood projects, and actively promote cooperation in the fields of digital, green, innovation, health, culture and tourism, and poverty reduction. Accelerate the construction of new land and sea corridors in the west.

  Deepen multi-bilateral and regional economic cooperation. Promote the implementation of FTAs already in force, and negotiate and sign high-standard FTAs and investment agreements with more countries and regions. It will push forward negotiations on the China-ASEAN FTA 3.0, and promote accession to the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement and the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement. We will participate fully and deeply in the reform of the WTO, promote the building of an open world economy, and enable more win-win cooperation to benefit people of all countries.

  (vi) Better integrating development and security, and effectively preventing and resolving risks in key areas. We will insist on promoting a high level of security with high-quality development and guaranteeing high-quality development with a high level of security, addressing both the symptoms and the root causes of risks in real estate, local debts, and small and medium-sized financial institutions, and safeguarding the overall stability of the economy and finance.

  Dispose of hidden risks in a stable and orderly manner. Improve the overall coordination mechanism for the disposal of major risks, strengthen the main responsibility of enterprises, the supervisory responsibility of departments, and the local responsibility of localities, enhance the effectiveness of disposal, and firmly guard the bottom line of no systemic risk. Optimize real estate policies, support the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises of different ownership systems without discrimination, and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market. Coordinate the resolution of local debt risks and stable development, further implement the debt resolution package, properly resolve stock debt risks, and strictly prevent new debt risks. Steady progress will be made in disposing of the risks of small and medium-sized financial institutions in some places. Crack down on illegal financial activities.

  Improve the long-term mechanism for risk prevention and control. Adapt to the development trend of new urbanization and changes in supply and demand in the real estate market, and accelerate the construction of a new model of real estate development. Increase the construction and supply of guaranteed housing, improve the basic system related to commercial housing, and satisfy residents' rigid housing needs and diversified and improved housing needs. It will establish a government debt management mechanism compatible with high-quality development, improve the full-caliber local debt monitoring and supervision system, and promote the transformation of local financing platforms in a categorized manner. It will improve the financial regulatory system and enhance the ability to prevent and control financial risks.

  Strengthen security capacity building in key areas. Improve the food production, storage and processing system, and strengthen the foundation of food security in all aspects. Promote the construction of the national water network. Strengthen the security of energy resources, and intensify the exploration and development of oil and gas and strategic mineral resources. Accelerate the construction of a large national reserve system and strengthen the construction of key reserve facilities. Improve network, data and other security capabilities. Effectively maintain the security and stability of the industrial chain supply chain, and support the smooth flow of the national economic cycle.

  (vii) Persevering in its efforts to improve the work of the “three rural areas” and solidly promoting the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside. Anchoring the goal of building a strong agricultural country, we will learn from the experience of the “Thousand Villages Demonstration and Ten Thousand Villages Improvement” project, adopt measures according to local conditions and classifications, and make gradual and long-lasting efforts to promote the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside, and continue to make substantial progress and stage-by-stage achievements.

  Strengthening the stable production and supply of grain and important agricultural products. Stabilize the sown area of grains, consolidate the results of soybean expansion, and promote the improvement of yields in large areas. Appropriately raise the minimum purchase price for wheat, implement nationwide policies to insure the production costs and incomes of the three major staple grains, and improve the mechanism for guaranteeing the returns of grain farmers. Increase support for large grain-producing counties, and improve the compensation mechanism for the benefits of major producing areas. Expand oilseed production, stabilize the production capacity of animal husbandry and fisheries, and develop modern facility-based agriculture. Support the development of water-saving agriculture and dry-crop agriculture. Strengthen the prevention and control of pests and animal diseases. Increase the revitalization of the seed industry and the research and development of key core technologies in agriculture, and implement actions to make up for shortcomings in agricultural machinery and equipment. Strictly abide by the red line of arable land, improve the system of arable land occupation and compensation balance, strengthen the protection of black land and the comprehensive management of saline and alkaline land, and raise the level of investment subsidies for the construction of high-standard farmland. All regions must shoulder the responsibility of guaranteeing national food security. A populous country like ours must practice a good view of big agriculture and big food, and always keep the rice bowl firmly in its own hands.

  Consolidate and expand the results of poverty eradication without letting up. Strengthen monitoring and assistance to prevent the return of poverty, and ensure that there is no return to poverty on a large scale. We will support the development of characteristic industries in poverty-stricken areas, promote employment initiatives to prevent the return of poverty, and strengthen follow-up assistance for relocation. Deepening east-west collaboration and targeted assistance. Increase support for key counties in the country's rural revitalization efforts, and establish and improve a regular mechanism for helping low-income rural populations and underdeveloped areas, so that the results of poverty eradication will be more solid and more sustainable.

  Steadily advancing rural reform and development. Deepen the reform of the rural land system, and launch a pilot project for the whole province to extend the second round of land contract for another 30 years after its expiration. Deepen the reform of collective property rights, collective forest rights, agricultural reclamation, and supply and marketing cooperatives, and promote the development of new rural collective economies. Focusing on promoting farmers' income growth, expanding rural wealth-enriching industries, developing new agricultural business entities and socialized services, and cultivating and making good use of rural talents. We will also promote the development of rural culture, and continue to promote the change of customs in the countryside. It will deeply implement rural construction actions, vigorously improve infrastructure and public services such as water, electricity, roads, gas and telecommunications in rural areas, strengthen the construction of charging piles, cold-chain logistics, and mail delivery and distribution facilities, intensify the seismic retrofitting of farm houses, continuously improve the rural living environment, and build a livable and pleasant countryside.

  (viii) Promoting urban-rural integration and coordinated regional development, and vigorously optimizing the economic layout. Deeply implement the strategy of coordinated regional development, major regional strategies, and the strategy of main functional areas, organically combine the promotion of new urbanization and comprehensive revitalization of the countryside, and accelerate the construction of a regional economic pattern with complementary advantages and high-quality development.

  Actively promoting new-type urbanization. China's urbanization still has much room for development and improvement. It is necessary to deeply implement the new urbanization strategy, promote the two-way flow of all kinds of factors, and form a new pattern of urban-rural integration and development. We will put accelerating the democratization of the agricultural transfer population in a prominent position, deepen the reform of the household registration system, improve the policy of linking “people, land and money”, allow rural migrant workers who wish to move to cities to settle in towns and cities, and promote the equal enjoyment of basic public services in cities and towns by the resident population who have not settled in cities and towns. Cultivate and develop county economies, make up for shortcomings in infrastructure and public services, and make county towns an important carrier of new urbanization. Focusing on city clusters and metropolitan areas as a basis, promoting the coordinated development of large, medium and small cities. Promote the construction of a twin-city economic circle in the Chengdu-Chongqing region. It will steadily implement urban renewal actions, promote the construction of public infrastructure and transformation of urban villages, accelerate the improvement of underground pipeline networks, promote the solution of problems such as the installation of elevators and parking in old districts, and strengthen the construction of barrier-free environments and ageing-friendly facilities, so as to create livable, intelligent and resilient cities. New urbanization should reflect the people-oriented approach everywhere, improve the level of refined management and services, and enable the people to enjoy a higher quality of life.

  Improve the level of coordinated regional development. Give full play to the comparative advantages of various regions, and actively integrate into and serve the construction of a new development pattern in accordance with the positioning of the main functions. It will deeply implement the strategies of developing the western region, comprehensively revitalizing the northeastern region, accelerating the rise of the central region, and accelerating the modernization of the eastern region, and will enhance the ability of the northeastern and central and western regions to undertake industrial transfers. Supporting regions with advantages in economic development, such as Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, the Yangtze River Delta, and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, to better play their role as powerhouses of high-quality development. Grasp landmark projects for construction in Xiongan New Area. Continuously push forward the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and promote the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin. It will support the accelerated development of old revolutionary and ethnic areas, strengthen the construction of border areas, and comprehensively push forward the action of prospering the borders and enriching the people. Optimize the layout of major productive forces and strengthen the construction of the national strategic hinterland. It will formulate plans to optimize the implementation of main functional areas and improve supporting policies. Vigorously develop the marine economy and build a strong marine country.

  (ix) Strengthen the construction of ecological civilization and promote green and low-carbon development. Deeply practicing the concept that green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains, synergistically promoting carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion and growth, and constructing a beautiful China where human beings coexist harmoniously with nature.

  Promote the comprehensive management of the ecological environment. Deeply implement the action plan for sustained improvement of air quality, coordinate the management of water resources, water environment and water ecology, strengthen the prevention and control of soil pollution at source, and enhance the management of solid waste, new pollutants and plastic pollution. It will adhere to the integrated protection and systematic management of mountains, water, forests, fields, lakes, grasses and sands, and strengthen the control of ecological environment zoning. It will organize the three major landmark battles of the “Three Norths” project, and promote the construction of nature reserves with national parks as the main body. It will strengthen the ecological protection and management of important rivers, lakes and reservoirs. It will continue to promote a 10-year ban on fishing on the Yangtze River. Implement major projects for biodiversity protection. It will improve the mechanism for realizing the value of ecological products, perfect the compensation system for ecological protection, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all parties to protect and improve the ecological environment.

  Vigorously develop a green and low-carbon economy. Promote the green transformation of industrial structure, energy structure, transportation structure, and urban and rural construction and development. Implement a comprehensive conservation strategy and accelerate energy and water conservation transformation in key areas. Improve fiscal, taxation, financial, investment and pricing policies and related market-oriented mechanisms to support green development, promote the development of waste recycling industries, promote the research and development and application of energy-saving and carbon-reducing advanced technologies, and accelerate the formation of a green and low-carbon supply chain. Construct an advanced zone of Beautiful China and create a green and low-carbon development highland.

  Actively and steadily promote carbon peak carbon neutralization. Solidly carry out the “Ten Actions to Achieve Carbon Peak”. Enhance the statistical accounting and verification capacity of carbon emissions, establish a carbon footprint management system, and expand the coverage of industries in the national carbon market. Promote the energy revolution in depth, control the consumption of fossil energy, and accelerate the construction of a new energy system. It will strengthen the construction of large-scale wind power and photovoltaic bases and transmission channels, promote the development and utilization of distributed energy resources, improve the acceptance, allocation and regulation capacity of the power grid for clean energy, develop new types of energy storage, promote the use of green power and international mutual recognition, and give full play to the bottoming-out role of coal and coal power, so as to ensure that the economic and social development of the demand for energy.

  (J) Effectively safeguard and improve people's livelihoods, and strengthen and innovate social governance. Adhere to the people-centered development ideology, fulfill the responsibility of protecting the basics and the bottom line, take more initiatives to benefit people's livelihoods and warm people's hearts, solidly promote common prosperity, promote social harmony and stability, and continuously enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and security.

  Take measures to stabilize employment and promote income generation. Employment is the most basic livelihood. It is necessary to highlight the priority orientation of employment, strengthen the support of fiscal, taxation, financial and other policies to stabilize employment, and increase the strength of special policies to promote employment. We will implement and improve policies such as job stabilization rebates, special loans, employment and social security subsidies, and strengthen support for enterprises in industries with large employment capacity. With more than 11.7 million college graduates expected this year, it is necessary to strengthen policy initiatives to promote youth employment and optimize guidance services for employment and entrepreneurship. We will do a solid job of job placement for veterans, actively promote the employment of migrant workers, and strengthen support for people with disabilities and other employment difficulties. We will categorize and improve flexible employment services and protection measures, and expand the pilot scheme of occupational injury protection for newly employed persons. It will resolutely rectify employment discrimination on the basis of gender, age and education, guarantee the payment of wages to rural migrant workers, improve the consultation and coordination mechanism for labor relations, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers. Adapting to the demand for talents in advanced manufacturing, modern services and elderly care, vocational skills training will be strengthened. Increase the incomes of urban and rural residents through multiple channels, expand the size of the middle-income group, and endeavor to promote income growth among low-income groups.

  Improve the capacity of medical and health services. We will continue to do a good job of preventing and controlling key infectious diseases. The per capita financial subsidy standard for residents' health insurance has been raised by 30 yuan. Promote the coordinated development and governance of health insurance, medical care and medicine. Promote provincial-level coordination of basic medical insurance, improve the national centralized procurement system for medicines, strengthen standing supervision of the use of the medical insurance fund, and implement and improve settlement for medical treatment in other places. It will deepen reform of public hospitals, improve medical services with a patient-centered approach, and promote mutual recognition of examination and test results. Focusing on promoting hierarchical diagnosis and treatment, guiding the sinking of high-quality medical resources to the grassroots level, strengthening the synergistic linkage of medical services in counties and villages, and expanding the types of medicines used for chronic and common diseases in primary medical and healthcare organizations. It will also strengthen research on rare diseases, diagnosis and treatment services and medication protection. Accelerating the mending of shortcomings in pediatrics, geriatrics, mental health, medical care and other services, and strengthening the training of general practitioners. Promote the inheritance and innovation of traditional Chinese medicine, and strengthen the construction of specialties with advantages in traditional Chinese medicine. Improve the disease prevention and control system. Carry out in-depth health China action and patriotic hygiene campaigns, and build a solid defense of people's health.

  Strengthening social security and services. Implementing a national strategy to actively cope with the aging of the population. The monthly minimum standard for basic pensions for urban and rural residents will be raised by 20 yuan, basic pensions for retirees will continue to be raised, and national coordination of pension insurance will be improved. A personal pension system is being implemented nationwide, and third-pillar pension insurance is being actively developed. It will do a good job of providing services and protection for veterans, military dependents and other privileged persons. It will strengthen the construction of urban and rural community pension service networks, and increase efforts to make up for shortcomings in rural pension services. Strengthen the supply of supplies and services for the elderly, and vigorously develop the silver-hair economy. Promoting the establishment of a long-term care insurance system. It will improve childbirth support policies, optimize the system of maternity leave, perfect the mechanism for reasonable sharing of employment costs among business entities, increase the supply of childcare services through multiple channels, and reduce the burden of childbirth, child rearing and education on families. Care and assistance for left-behind children and children in difficult circumstances will be improved. Disability prevention and rehabilitation services will be strengthened, and policies on foster care for persons with severe disabilities will be improved. It will also improve the tiered and categorized social assistance system, coordinate policies to prevent the return of poverty and help low-income populations, and tighten the safety net for people's livelihoods.

  Enriching the spiritual and cultural life of the people. We will study and implement Xi Jinping's cultural thinking in depth. Widely practicing socialist core values. Develop philosophical and social sciences, press and publication, broadcasting, film and television, literature and art, and archives. Formulating policies and initiatives to promote cultural inheritance and development. Deepen the national cultural digitization strategy. Deepen reading activities for all. Improve comprehensive Internet governance, and cultivate a positive, healthy and upwardly mobile Internet culture. Innovatively implement cultural benefit projects and improve the level of free access to public cultural venues. Vigorously develop cultural industries. Carry out the fourth national cultural relics census, and strengthen the systematic protection and rational utilization of cultural relics. Promote the protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage. Deepen humanistic exchanges between China and foreign countries, and improve international communication capacity. Intensify sports reform. Do a good job in preparing for the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Build and utilize sports facilities close to the masses, and promote the widespread development of national fitness activities.

  Maintaining national security and social stability. We will implement the overall concept of national security and strengthen the national security system and capacity building. We will improve the level of public security governance and promote the transformation of the governance model to one of prevention. Efforts will be made to strengthen the grass-roots foundation of production safety and disaster prevention, mitigation and relief, and to enhance the capacity for risk prevention, emergency response and support. We will carry out a three-year campaign to address the root causes of production safety, strengthen the investigation and remediation of risks and hidden dangers in key industries and fields, and strengthen the responsibilities of all parties to resolutely curb the occurrence of serious and serious accidents. We will do a good job in preventing and responding to floods, droughts, typhoons, forest and grassland fires, geological disasters and earthquakes, and strengthen meteorological services. Strictly supervise the safety of food, drugs and special equipment. Improve the social governance system. Strengthen the service functions of urban and rural communities. Guiding and supporting the healthy development of social organizations, humanitarian aid, volunteer services and public welfare and charity. Protect the legitimate rights and interests of women, children, the elderly and the disabled. Adhere to and develop the “Fengqiao Experience” of the new era, promote the prevention and resolution of conflicts and disputes, and promote the rule of law in letters and visits. Strengthen public legal services. We will strengthen the overall prevention and control of social security, promote the normalization of the fight against blackmail and evil, crack down on all kinds of illegal and criminal activities in accordance with the law, and build a higher level of peace in China.

  Fellow delegates!

  The new journey and new mission have put forward new and higher requirements for government work. Governments at all levels and their staff should deeply understand the decisive significance of the “two establishments”, enhance the “four consciousnesses”, firmly establish the “four confidence”, and achieve the “two safeguards”. The government and its staff at all levels should deeply understand the decisive significance of the “two establishments”, enhance the “four consciousnesses”, strengthen the “four confidence”, achieve the “two safeguards”, consciously maintain a high degree of consistency with the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core in ideology, politics and actions, and constantly improve political judgment.

Improve administrative efficiency in an all-round way. Focusing on the implementation and implementation of the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee, we will persist in optimizing coordination and efficiency, further promote the transformation of government functions, and continuously improve execution and credibility. Adhere to the correct ideological methods and working methods, have the courage to break the mindset and path dependence, actively plan and make good use of the traction and strong motivation of the work grasp, and earnestly achieve the implementation to the letter, vigorous and resolute, truth-seeking and pragmatic, and dare to do good, to ensure that the final effect is in line with the decision-making intention of the Party Central Committee and conforms to the expectations of the people. Consolidate and expand the achievements of thematic education, vigorously promote investigation and research, and implement the "four grassroots" system. Accelerate the construction of digital government. To promote the "efficient completion of one thing" as the traction, improve the level of government services. Resolutely rectify formalism and bureaucracy, further streamline documents and meetings, improve supervision, inspection and assessment, and continue to reduce the burden on grassroots units and enterprises. Implement the "three distinctions" and improve the responsibility of cadres as an incentive and protection mechanism. The vast number of cadres should enhance their sense of responsibility of "always being at ease", and earnestly transform it into the action force of "having a bottom in their hearts", boost the spirit of entrepreneurship, work hard, do good work, and strive to create new achievements worthy of the times and the people.

Dear Representatives!

We should take forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation as the main line, uphold and improve the system of regional ethnic autonomy, promote extensive exchanges, exchanges and integration among all ethnic groups, and accelerate the pace of modernization in minority areas. Adhere to the Party's basic policy on religious work, deeply advance the sinicization of religion in our country, and actively guide religion to adapt to socialist society. It is necessary to strengthen and improve the work of overseas Chinese affairs, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of overseas Chinese and their relatives, and gather together the majestic force of the sons and daughters of the Chinese people at home and abroad to work together for national rejuvenation.

In the past year, new achievements and progress have been made in national defense and army building, and the people's army has brilliantly fulfilled its missions and tasks. In the new year, it is necessary to thoroughly implement Xi Jinping's thought on strengthening the army, implement the military strategic principles for the new era, adhere to the party's absolute leadership over the people's army, comprehensively and thoroughly implement the responsibility system of the chairman of the Central Military Commission, and fight a tough battle to achieve the goal of the centenary of the founding of the army. We should comprehensively strengthen military training and preparation for war, make overall plans to advance preparations for military struggle, do a good job in military training in actual combat, and firmly defend national sovereignty, security, and development interests. We will build a modern military governance system, do a good job in the implementation of the 14th Five-Year Plan for army building, and accelerate the implementation of major national defense development projects. Consolidate and improve the integrated national strategic system and capabilities, optimize the system and layout of science, technology and industry for national defense, and strengthen national defense education, national defense mobilization, and the building of reserve forces. Governments at all levels should vigorously support the building of national defense and the armed forces, carry out the work of "double support" in depth, and consolidate and develop the unity between the military and the government and between the army and the people.

We must continue to comprehensively, accurately and unswervingly implement the principles of "one country, two systems", "Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong", "Macao people governing Macao", and a high degree of autonomy, adhere to the rule of law in Hong Kong and Macao, and implement the principles of "patriots administering Hong Kong" and "patriots administering Macao". Support Hong Kong and Macao in developing their economies and improving people's livelihood, give full play to their own advantages and characteristics, actively participate in the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, better integrate into the overall development of the country, and maintain the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and Macao.

We must adhere to the Party's overall strategy for resolving the Taiwan issue in the new era, adhere to the one-China principle and the "92 Consensus", resolutely oppose "Taiwan independence" separatism and foreign interference, promote the peaceful development of cross-strait relations, unswervingly advance the great cause of the reunification of the motherland, and safeguard the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation. Deepen cross-strait integration and development, enhance the well-being of compatriots on both sides of the strait, and work together to create the great cause of national rejuvenation.

We need to adhere to an independent foreign policy of peace, adhere to the path of peaceful development, firmly pursue a mutually beneficial and win-win strategy of opening-up, advocate an equal and orderly multipolar world and inclusive economic globalization, promote the building of a new type of international relations, oppose hegemonism, hegemony and bullying, and uphold international fairness and justice. China stands ready to work with the international community to implement the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative, promote the common values of all mankind, promote the reform of the global governance system, and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Dear Representatives!

The mission is to take responsibility and strive to create the future. We must unite more closely around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guide, strengthen confidence, forge ahead, strive to complete the annual economic and social development goals and tasks, and make unremitting efforts to comprehensively promote the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization!

(Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 12)


People's Daily (2024-03-13 01 Edition)

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