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Providing a Strong Guarantee of National Security for the Construction of a Strong Nation and the Revival of the Nation--Written on the Occasion of the 10th Anniversary of the Putting Forth of the Overall National Security Concept

Providing a Strong Guarantee of National Security for the Construction of a Strong Nation and the Revival of the Nation--Written on the Occasion of the 10th Anniversary of the Putting Forth of the Overall National Security Concept

  • Categories:Current Affairs
  • Author:
  • Origin:Xinhua News Agency
  • Time of issue:2024-04-15
  • Views:0

(Summary description)

Providing a Strong Guarantee of National Security for the Construction of a Strong Nation and the Revival of the Nation--Written on the Occasion of the 10th Anniversary of the Putting Forth of the Overall National Security Concept

(Summary description)

  • Categories:Current Affairs
  • Author:
  • Origin:Xinhua News Agency
  • Time of issue:2024-04-15
  • Views:0

BEIJING, April 14 (Xinhua) -- Providing a strong guarantee of national security for the construction of a strong nation and national rejuvenation -- written on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the proposal of the overall concept of national security

“It is necessary to accurately grasp the new features and trends of the changing national security situation, adhere to the overall national security concept, and walk out of a path of national security with Chinese characteristics.”

On April 15, 2014, at the first meeting of the Central National Security Committee, General Secretary Xi Jinping, standing at the strategic height of adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, creatively put forward the overall concept of national security, which provides a powerful ideological weapon for national security work in the new era.

Over the past decade, under the guidance of the overall concept of national security, China has firmly grasped the initiative of development and security amidst rapid changes in the international situation. National security has been comprehensively strengthened, and the construction of a safe China has moved to a higher level, providing a strong security guarantee for the construction of a strong nation and the great cause of national rejuvenation.

The overall concept of national security - a fundamental guideline for national security work in the new era and a guide for action

Turning to the report of the 20th Party Congress, the requirement of “promoting the modernization of the national security system and capacity, and resolutely safeguarding national security and social stability” stands out, which is the first time that the report of the Party's National Congress has made a special chapter on the deployment of national security.

“We must unswervingly implement the overall concept of national security, and run the maintenance of national security through all aspects of the work of the Party and the country, so as to ensure national security and social stability.”

At present, the world's unprecedented changes are accelerating, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered a critical period, strategic opportunities and risks and challenges coexist, uncertainties and unpredictable factors have increased, a variety of “black swans” and “gray rhinoceros” events may occur at any time, and all kinds of risks and challenges have never been greater. Challenges of all kinds are unprecedented.

To realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and to ensure that people live and work in peace and contentment, national security is the top priority.

The one who recognizes the situation is wise, and the one who manages the situation wins. With a keen insight into the new features and trends in the development of the national security situation and an in-depth summary of the historical experience of national security work, the Overall National Security Outlook, a scientific theoretical system, has come into being.

The overall concept highlights the key, emphasizes the concept of security, and adheres to the concept of system.

Entering the new era, the connotation and extension of China's national security are richer than at any time in history, and the spatial and temporal domains are wider than at any time in history.

It covers many fields such as political, military, homeland, economic, financial, cultural, social, scientific and technological, network, etc., and will be constantly and dynamically adjusted as society develops; it strengthens scientific coordination and focuses on solving the problem of imbalance and insufficiency of national security work; and it emphasizes that the maintenance of national security runs through the entire process of all aspects of the Party's and the country's work....... The overall national security concept The overall national security concept reveals a profound systemic concept, reflecting a big-picture view, a holistic view, and an overall view.

The “Ten Insistences” clarify the core meaning, make clear the direction and path, and are used to guide the practice - the CPC Central Committee's “Ten Insistences” are the core elements of the overall national security concept.

On December 11, 2020, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) held its twenty-sixth collective study session on effectively doing a good job in national security. General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward ten important requirements for implementing the overall concept of national security.

Adhere to the absolute leadership of the Party on national security work, adhere to the national security road of Chinese characteristics, adhere to the people's security for the purpose, adhere to the integration of development and security ...... “ten adherence” to the overall national security concept of systematic integration and refinement, is the deepening of the understanding of the regularity of the work of national security, the This is a systematic integration and refinement of the overall concept of national security, which is a deepening, expansion and sublimation of the understanding of the regularity of national security work.

The proposal of the overall concept of national security has formed a systematic and complete theory of national security for the first time in the history of the Party, marking a new height in the Party's understanding of the basic laws of national security, and has become an important part of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.

Adhering to the Party's absolute leadership of national security work is the fundamental guarantee for maintaining national security and social stability.

To better adapt to the new situation and new tasks facing national security, the Party for the first time set up the Central National Security Committee, with General Secretary Xi Jinping personally serving as chairman, to establish a centralized, unified, efficient and authoritative national security leadership system.

At the 19th CPC National Congress, the overall concept of national security was written into the CPC Constitution; General Secretary Xi Jinping further elaborated on the overall concept of national security at the first meeting of the 19th Central Committee for National Security; and the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee incorporated the integration of development and security into the guiding ideology of economic and social development during the 14th Five-Year Plan period. ......

Under the guidance of the overall concept of national security, the safeguarding of national security has been carried out throughout all aspects of the Party's and the country's work.

From putting forward the concept of cybersecurity, advocating respect for cyber sovereignty, promoting changes in the global Internet governance system, and building a community of destiny in cyberspace; to emphasizing the integration of biosecurity into the national security system, systematically planning the construction of the national biosecurity risk prevention, control and governance system, and comprehensively improving the national biosecurity governance capacity; to practicing the common, comprehensive and cooperative approach to national security.

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