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6.7 Billion Railway Transportation Project Release Winning Bid, China Railway Eleven Bureau Wins Largest Order

6.7 Billion Railway Transportation Project Release Winning Bid, China Railway Eleven Bureau Wins Largest Order

  • Categories:Industry News
  • Author:
  • Origin:New Infrastructure Access
  • Time of issue:2024-04-15
  • Views:0

(Summary description)According to Tunnel-Tang Technology - Infrastructure pass big data (cnsuido01) statistics, in March 2024 cumulative total of about 270 urban rail transit projects/bidding released winning, the total amount of project winning about 6.7 billion yuan (Note: ① part of the project did not announce the specific amount of winning; ② does not include the procurement of materials).

6.7 Billion Railway Transportation Project Release Winning Bid, China Railway Eleven Bureau Wins Largest Order

(Summary description)According to Tunnel-Tang Technology - Infrastructure pass big data (cnsuido01) statistics, in March 2024 cumulative total of about 270 urban rail transit projects/bidding released winning, the total amount of project winning about 6.7 billion yuan (Note: ① part of the project did not announce the specific amount of winning; ② does not include the procurement of materials).

  • Categories:Industry News
  • Author:
  • Origin:New Infrastructure Access
  • Time of issue:2024-04-15
  • Views:0

According to the statistics of CNSUIDO01, a total of about 270 urban rail transit projects/bids will be awarded in March 2024, with a total amount of about 6.7 billion yuan (Note: (1) the specific winning bid amount of some projects has not been announced; (2) material procurement is not included).


Regional Winning Leaderboard

According to the summary statistics, the rail transit projects that won the bid in March are mainly distributed in 20 provinces and regions across the country, and there are 11 provinces and regions with a bid amount of more than 100 million yuan for railway projects, of which 2 provinces and regions have won a total bid of more than 1 billion yuan. Ranked by region, the top 10 are Fujian, Beijing, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Anhui, Shanghai, Shandong, Zhejiang, Shaanxi, and Chongqing. The total amount of bids for rail transit projects in each region is as follows:
As can be seen from the figure above, Fujian Province ranked first among all provinces and cities in the country in terms of the total amount of rail transit projects won in March, about 1.5 billion yuan, ahead of other provinces and regions, and Beijing ranked second, with a bid amount of about 1.15 billion yuan.


Top 20 in terms of winning bids

According to the statistics of the list of winning bids, there were about 12 rail transit projects/bids with a bid amount of more than 100 million yuan in March, and only 1 project with a bid amount of more than 1 billion yuan. The top 20 winning bidders are ranked by the winning bids of a single project/lot as shown in the chart below:
Among them, the largest project is the construction of the Binhai parking lot project of the Jimei to Tong'an section of Xiamen Rail Transit Line 6 (Huaqiao University Town Station (not included) to Binhai West Avenue Station). The winning bidder of the project is China Railway 11th Bureau, with a winning bid amount of about 1.46 billion yuan.


Winning the bid for the construction enterprise inventory

According to the statistics of the winning units of urban rail transit projects in March, the main enterprises that won the order were local construction enterprises, with a winning bid amount of about 4 billion yuan, followed by China Railway Construction and China Railway, China Communications Construction, China Energy Construction, China Power Construction, China Metallurgical and China Construction, although they also won some project bids, but the amount was relatively small, and some did not announce the specific winning bids, so the market share occupied is negligible. Overall, the distribution of order enterprises in March is as follows:


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